About Me
I'm a current Forward Deployed Software Engineer @ Palantir, starting in September of 2023, located in New York City.
I graduated in May 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, with an Additional Major in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.
I graduated with University Honors, earning Dean's List in the Spring 2020 semester and Dean's List with High Honors in both the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters. I also was awarded the Student Leadership Program Award, an award given to students who display excellence in leadership during their time at CMU.
I have strong proficiency in Java, ReactJS, SQL and Ruby on Rails for programming languages, and I am also very proficient in Linux and GitHub as technologies.
Additionally, I have worked with Python, VueJS, C, React Native and Spring Boot and have moderate proficiency in all of these languages.
As mentioned above, I currently work as an FDSE at Palantir.
I have in the past worked as an SDE Intern @ Amazon and an SEP Intern @ JPMorgan Chase.
I have also been a Teaching Assistant at the School of Computer Science at CMU, teaching courses such as Introduction to Computer Systems, Concepts of Mathematics and Principles of Functional Programming for a total of 6 semesters.
I was also the Head TA for Introduction to Computer Systems in the Summer 2022 semester. If you want to learn more about my experiences, please follow the link here.
I currently do not have any personal projects in the works, but this will change in the coming months so this section should be changed very soon. In general, though, the majority
of my project-based experience has been in frontend development, although I certainly want to branch out and learn more about backend and ML/AI work in the future.
In my spare time, outside of work and coding, I enjoy playing tennis (along with all the other racquet sports and volleyball), following the ATP Tour and the NBA, playing chess poorly and
taking photographs of Carnegie Mellon's campus as well as other locations I find enjoyable. You can see my favorite photo I've taken ever as the background for this website,
but all of the other photos in the other cards will also be photos I have taken myself. I don't consider myself a professional photographer, but I love being able to capture
the wonder of our planet, or at least the limited view I have of it.
If you want to contact me for any reason, you can find my email, LinkedIn and GitHub here. Thank you again for visiting my website!
FDSE @ Palantir Technologies
September 2023 - Present
- Rebuilt flagship client-facing dashboard using asynchronous TypeScript functionality to reduce latency by 80% and visually represent user data
- Utilized Palantir Foundry APIs innovatively to adapt to client requirements and reduce load times for product-critical deliverables by up to 70%
- Architected an updated backend schema for over 1TB of client data and used PySpark to rebuild data pipelines for new backend-specific workflows
- Participated in a 24/7 on-call schedule to resolve multiple critical user-facing errors in displayed data, dysfunctional workflows and incorrect backend calculations
SDE Intern @ Amazon AWS
May 2022 - August 2022
The project that I was assigned to this summer was to enhance the MQTT Test Client,
which was done using React, Redux and TypeScript. Firstly, I had to fix two bugs present in
the client. The first bug was an issue with the client failing to reconnect after a period of
time; after determining that the issue was most probably the possible chance that the keepalive
timer of 5 minutes and the session ID expiry of 5 minutes could intersect and cause an expiry
before the keepalive check happened, I updated both the keepalive time and the reconnecting
time to ensure that the client would always be active while the tab was being used. This
resolved nearly 100% of reconnection issues. The second bug turned out to be user error of
sending various data through the test client, but working on the bug helped me understand
how to send data properly through the client.
My main feature was working on constructing a payload that would save its own state
in the Redux data store and be associated with each topic that can be subscribed to within
the test client. To do this, I spent some time figuring out the architecture of the test
client, which helped me work with the UX team to design a payload. Then, for my implementation,
I updated the existing interfaces to add fields that could store the information necessary,
and in the parts of the test client that allowed for changes to be made to the payload, I
added checks and dispatches to ensure the information in the store would always be up to date.
This also involved changing the publishing flow of messages to the test client. I was able
to finish my project by thoroughly testing each component I made with Jest and presenting to AWS leadership.
15-213 Head TA @ CMU CS
December 2021 - May 2023
15-213, Introduction to Computer Systems, is a class that builds on previous exposure to C
and teaches students about the underpinnings of modern computer systems, such as caching, memory management,
bitwise operations, multi-threading/concurrency, system architecture and more. At the end of my undergraduate degree, I TAed 15-213 for three semesters (Spring 2022, Summer 2022, Spring 2023);
one of those semesters (Summer 2022) as the Head TA.
My responsibilities as TA include constructing weekly lesson plans for hour-long lab sessions where students work through lab problems and are taught the above topics
Also, I hold 4 hours minimum of weekly office hours to help students work through challenging problems and conceptual questions, as well as grade student code for style points.
Finally, I work on written and lab assignments throughout the semester to continually update course materials for current and future semesters.
As a Head TA for the Summer of 2022, I worked with the professors of the course to maintain course standards, coordinate weekly staff meetings,
following up with Lead TAs on their parts of the course and making sure that the course runs smoothly.
SWE Intern @ JPMorgan Chase
June 2021 - August 2021
The project for my internship is to work on a client-facing dashboard in an Agile environment,
and I began by designing widget appearance and working with the client and the remainder of the full-time
team to determine optimal use cases for various tasks requested. I then used Angular, Typescript and Bootstrap
to implement a static top bar along with minimization and expanding features for each widget, along with deletion
functionalities. Then, I was given responsibility over the Tasks widget, where I used RESTful APIs developed in Java Spring Boot to grab data
from the MySQL tasks database and filter that data to only display tasks within specific buckets of time, and
also dynamically updated the buckets when the application is restarted to display the number of tasks per bucket
in the bucket headers.
At the end of this internship, my team presented to executive directors at JPMorgan Chase, which decided that our presentation was a Top 2 Presentation among 31 teams from our location.
15-150 TA @ CMU CS
December 2020 - August 2021
15-150, Principles of Functional Programming, is a class that uses the language SML and emphasizes recursive thinking, with applications in academia and web development.
At the end of this summer, I will have TAed 15-150 (Principles of Functional Programming) for two consecutive semesters.
As a Teaching Assistant, I
develop weekly lesson plans and teach 90 minute labs on the topics of Functional Programming that are taught, which have a wide range of uses in both
academia and conventional industry languages. These topics include Higher Order Functions, Continuation Passing Style and Induction. In addition to this,
I have contributed to the GitHub repositories for course material, including updating homeworks and labs in LaTeX and playtesting existing homeworks. Finally,
I hold weekly office hours for 3 hours to allow students to ask conceptual and homework questions on the topics of that week.
Research Assistant @ CMU's Human-Computer Interaction Institute
September 2020 - December 2020
In this role, I used Vue, HTML, CSS and Lumilo detectors to create and design an in-depth dashboard that analyzed and displayed information about
students doing problem sets in a dashboard for teachers. The detectors allowed teachers to see the most recent problem that the students had worked on,
as well as the progress made throughout a given problem set.
The deep dive of this dashboard that I worked on allows teachers to see the amount of time students have taken on a problem set, along with the number
of problems completed, correct without hints, correct with hints, and incorrect problems. The teachers can also see the students' progress throughout
all of the problem sets so far.
August 2022 - December 2022
This project was made for Carnegie Mellon University's 67-443 Mobile Application and Development class. The course
focused on Swift for iOS development and also covered the business side of developing and marketing iOS applications.
ConcertClips is a mobile app that improves the concert video experience for users. The app does this by allowing users
to interact with user-uploaded concert videos (aka clips) from any event and from any seat/view. Users can upload clips
directly from their camera roll, and then they can browse through clips in a swipeable feed format. Users can also view
clips from a specific event, and for a more immersive experience they can view clips from any section/viewpoint. Users
log in with their Google account so that they can save clips they like from the feed to revisit them later.
February 2020
StudySmart was created for TartanHacks 2020. It uses Microsoft Azure, Kismet API, 2 Raspberry Pis, JVectorMap, HTML, CSS and
JS. For the project, we used the Pis and Kismet to packet-sniff the routers on campus and display data of how crowded a room
is. This data was logged and displayed on a map using JVectorMap, which takes in an SVG file (Scalable Vector Graphics) and
outputs an HTML-compatible map. This map, along with the data, was shown on a website using Microsoft Azure.
This project was a Top 6 competitor at TartanHacks 2020 and won Best Beginner Hack by BNY Mellon.
View the Devpost link for more in-depth information.
Ohio Humanities Website
October 2020
In this hackathon project for Code for Good 2020, we were tasked with creating an interactive
website for the nonprofit Ohio Humanities that would allow them to reach more people of various ages. In order to do this, I
used NodeJS to display user reactions to messages and comments underneath content released by Ohio Humanities, as well as
allowing them to see data gathered from their users in charts via ChartsJS. These features were tested with dummy data generated
and used via SQLite. We placed second with this project in our division for CFG 2020.
Links (And Photos)
An unblurred look at what I consider to be the best photo I have ever taken.
While the background to this website is what I consider to be the best photo I have ever taken, this is my favorite photo.
I love snow, and so capturing this wonderful photo of one of the roads through campus was a wonderful moment.
Like I mentioned above, I love snow, and it is in fact my favorite form of precipitation (yes, I rank precipitation).
That's why getting a photo of the Gates-Hillman Center for the School of Computer Science at CMU, my favorite building at CMU,
with snow falling in front of it is one of my favorite photos.